Friday 20 March 2015

Trees are down.

      Today the man came and hopped into the excavator and knocked down a lot of trees. Most of the trees. He only had to stop cos it was the end of the day! Now we have a big area of disturbed dirt and several big piles of fallen trees. Our driveway was also repaired and loaded up with road base, hopefully now it will be accessible to those people who don't have 4WDs!
     There should be just one more day's work in it, clearing the rest of the trees, finished the driveway, creating a swale above the house-site, and probably digging the greywater trench. If we can figure out where it should go!


  1. Progress at last. Glad it's moving. Grey water should go where it will water and feed something (maybe the orchard?).

  2. It's complicated as to where the greywater trench should go - but good idea to plant fruit trees downhill :)
